Browsing In Private Mode? Misconception of Private Browsing

Private Browsing: Is it really private?

Private mode with mask

When we hear the word "Private", what comes to mind? Only the concern two or more persons will talk or share info with each other and nobody else!

Is Private mode does the same? we will see.

Private browsing or Private mode was first offered by the Safari web browser in the year 2005, and later other web browsers implemented it. At present 9 web browsers offer private browsing. 

List of web browsers who offer private browsing: 

  • Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera 
  • Amazon silk
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Brave

What is the difference between browsing in Normal mode and Private mode? 

Things you should know about Private mode. Browsing in Private mode has no extra benefit in comparison with normal browsing. It only doesn't store/ record your query or browsing history at your end, In other words, it clears your data when you close the private mode window.

In Normal browsing cookies, site data and your browsing history are stored in the browser. 

# In Private browsing cookies, site data and browsing history is cleared when you close the private window. 

When you should use private browsing? 

Whenever you are using others pc, accessing your files/profiles in a public place like an Internet cafe use Private mode-window. Or you don't want the browser to store your history, cookies, and site data. 

What private browsing actually does is, it doesn't store your browsing history, the query, cookies, and site data, that's it. 

The Websites you will visit will place cookies in your web browser and it will track you as a normal browser session. 

Except for the fact that in private mode Cookies placed by websites will be cleared by your browser.

If you are running a Normal window and a Private window at the same time, Cookies placed in a Private window by websites won't be able to read cookies placed in the normal browsing window.

Does browsing in Private mode makes you Anonymous? 

Browsing in Private mode doesn't give you any type of anonymity as many people think.

Your public Ip is visible to the website you visit in Private mode and your ISP also knows which sites you are visiting.

Your ISP won't know when you are browsing in Normal mode and when in Private mode. And I repeat "Private Browsing doesn't give you any type of anonymity"

Web Giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other web tracking services will be able to track you with their services on other websites in Private mode also.

Make sure you know how to block third party cookies manually and by default in your web browser.

You may want to read this detailed study, published on Private browsing mode: "An analysis of Private browsing mode in modern Browsers".
