How to create Custom Facebook Username |Custom URL

How to create a Custom URL for Facebook profile or page! But before that, You have to know what is Facebook Custom URL? Facebook automatically gives you a link for your profile randomly, and you can find that link on the search bar after opening your Facebook profile. Every platform has a user identification process so does Facebook. 

So let us move on to the Custom URL,  which will redirect your friend directly to your profile. No need to search on Facebook and no time waste isn't it great.


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We all use Facebook every day but know about this very little. Because of its high user base and many people with the same name, it's tough to find out someone. This thing happened to me too, when one of my friends told me he was unable to find me by my username on Facebook and I found a built-in solution for this.

Facebook Offers Custom URL means user name for your own Facebook profile or page. A unique username separates your profile from similar profile names like you and you can use that as your custom Facebook URL instead of an automated Facebook URL with random numbers.

Facebook Custom URL

Benefits of having a Custom Username:

If you have a unique Username you can ask anyone to visit "" and it is like a website. That person will be redirected to your profile without searching on Facebook. A unique Username or profile link differentiates you from others.

How to create a Custom Facebook link?


To make your own Facebook custom Username go to 'Settings'.

Facebook Edit username

Under 'General Account Settings', Click on 'Edit' Username. 

Facebook Username availability

Put your preferred name and check until it shows a green tick sign behind it. Click on 'Save Changes' and you are done. 

When choosing a Username you can only use alphabet and numbers otherwise it will show an error or you will not get a custom profile/page link. If a certain username is not available, use different combinations.

Now you have your own custom Facebook URL, just give the link to whoever wants to be your friend on Facebook "" and they will find you without any extra hassle.

TIP: After creating a Username, you can sign in to your Facebook account with it. No need to type your regular email address. Now Facebook also offers to keep you signed in, on your verified device.

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